Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holiday Affair

Dear Erica,

I'm sorry, but both the original and remake of Miracle on 34th Street are booooooring. We all want to love the story, and most claim to cherish it, but in actuality both versions become lame courtroom dramas that have nothing on Law and Order. The movie that should be revered for its Christmas cheer is this low budget charmer that has gobs more holiday spirit than Macy's and Santa Claus put together.

Janet Leigh stars as a single mother who has to choose between two men. One (Wendell Corey) is dependable, smart and patient...but a night with him would barely wrinkle the sheets. The other (Robert Mitchum) is unpredictable, unemployed and uneducated...but it would be difficult to keep your hands off him. That's pretty much the whole plot, but it never ever, not for a second, gets even remotely dull. The actors have an unusual amount of chemistry, perhaps thanks to some really witty dialogue and crisp direction.

The movie takes place in the 40's, and when I see Janet Leigh (in one of her earliest roles) I have to ask myself: what was she thinking with those brassieres? It must have taken a team of engineers to get those things on. Just look at the picture above. Why, oh why, did women dress this way? She could take out an eye with those knockers. Several times she dramatically spins around and I want to shout out to Robert Mitchum: "Look out!" Which I suppose he does, in a way. I'm sure I'm not giving away any spoilers by saying the top billed stars end up together. Poor Wendell Corey. He's perfectly nice and has a (sexy?) move or two up his sleeve. At one point her proposes he and Janet Leigh "have dinner, take in Moss Hart's new show, go home and make sure Timmy's asleep, then sit on the sofa and neck." Sounds good to me. If only he had a dimple in his chin he might have had a chance.

Finally, young Gordon Gebert plays Leigh's son in what is HANDS DOWN the best performance by a child in any movie ever. Not only that, it's one of the best movie performances for an actor of any age. Of all time. That's right, Meryl. There is not one word that comes out of his mouth that I do not believe completely. He's cute and warm and wise and magnificent. It's a shame he didn't go on to make a whole lot of other films. I read he's a college professor in Des Moines, Iowa now. Lucky students.

I know this isn't on most people's "must see" list at Christmas, but I beg you to locate a copy and pop it in. Your Christmas will be all the better for it.

Till next time,


  1. No kidding... this does sound great! I will have to see it!

  2. I have never heard of it before. I will add it to my amazon list today! I must admit, Miracle bores me too! I am all about new Xmas movies, actually I should rephrase that, old Xmas movies I have never seen before. Suggestions please!
